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Pay your business energy bill
Make a payment Paying my bill Something's wrong with my bill Help pay energy or service bills - financial support Getting a refund Set up a Direct Debit

In an emergency

Gas emergency services
Call free 24 hours a day: 0800 111 999

Electrical emergency or power cut?
Be put through to your local electrical network operator.
Call free 24 hours a day: 105

Help with emergencies

Fastest response Live chat with our customer service team

Opening hours : Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Prefer to call?

It's quicker to chat to us online, if you still prefer to call, speak to one of our advisors on

0333 202 9766

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Did we get something wrong?

If you're a business, go to our Make a complaint page.

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